Για όσους αφελείς πίστευαν το αντίθετο…


Αριστερά η BOCOG τερματίζει την όρθια στάση (tachi-waza) της IOC...

It has been my belief that the international media would enjoy free and open access to the Internet at Games time for reporting the Olympic Games and that censorship would not be an issue. I regret that it now appears the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG) has announced that there will be limitations on website access during Games time and while I understand that sensitive material not related to the Olympic Games continues to be a matter for the Chinese, I believe BOCOG and the IOC should have conveyed a clear message to the international media, in so far as this affects Internet access, at an earlier stage.

I also now understand that some IOC officials negotiated with the Chinese that some sensitive sites would be blocked on the basis they were not considered Games related.

Kevan Gosper, chairman of the IOC’s press commission

2 thoughts on “Για όσους αφελείς πίστευαν το αντίθετο…

  1. Είναι λυπηρό, εξοργιστικό αλλά και απλό. Στην Κίνα φτιάχνονται τα πάντα, η Κίνα έχει τεράστια αποθεματικά. Δεν τα βάζουμε με τους Κινέζους.

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  2. Παράθεμα: The Great FireWall of China « grep Alt

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